How to create file .vsb

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Want to create file .vbs
- Right  click on Desktop => New => Text Document
- You can rename and the file .txt change to .bat or .cmd  => enter => yes

X=MsgBox("Error while opening Computer.Do you want to Fix this Error?",4+64,"Computer")
X=MsgBox("Unable to Fix this Error. Do you want to scan this Computer?",3+48,"Computer")
X=MsgBox("Alert! Virus Detected.Do you want to Delete Virus?",3+16,"Alert!")
X=MsgBox("Unable to delete this Virus",1+64,"Critical Error")
X=MsgBox("Virus is activated",2+16,"Alert!")
X=MsgBox("Deleting System File...",2+16,"File Delete")
X=MsgBox("Virus is Full in this Computer",2+48,"Virus Alert!")
X=MsgBox("Your Computer is Hacked by SanITkhmer",1+64,"Hacker")

0 = OK Button
1 = OK / Cancel Button
2 = Abort / Retry / Ignore Button
3 = Yes / No / Cancel Button
4 = Yes / No Button
5 = Retry / Cancel Button
16 = Critical Icon
32 = Help Icon
48 = Warning Icon
64 = Information Icon
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